Wednesday, 29 October 2014

Wednesday 29October2014 - Global Warming - Another Take! Part 1:

When it comes to the causes of global warming on planet Earth there continues to be an ongoing discussion. Actually it is not a discussion!

Government and private enterprise led by Al Gore are jamming it down our throats that our current warming of planet Earth is directly related to our past and ongoing mishandling of economic and industrial development and management on our planet.

Yes, I do believe that we as a planet of 7 Billion human inhabitants is contributing in a very small way to the warming of our home called Earth.

However I strongly believe that the Sun (Our Sun) of our minuscule planetary system in the Milky Way let alone the total infinite universe plays the dominate part in the alternating cold and warm periods on our planet.

Think about it.

Our planet Earth is 93 million miles from our Sun.
Our planet Earth is a just a tiny dot on the surface of a huge sphere drawn on a huge 186 million diameter sphere from its centre.
Think about how much Energy this tiny dot (our Earth) absorbs 24/7/365/million years.
Think About It: Our SUN over millions of years goes through cycles of varied energy emission.
Think About It: What caused the Ice Age/Tropical Cycles of the Past Thousands/Ten of Thousands of Years.

Watch the following link to get some perspective on how small and minuscule our planet Earth is in relationship to the total Cosmos.

The Cosmos. What is It? How Big is IT? Does it END? Everything we know about is finite. How does something called the Cosmos go on for EVER??

Anyway, watch this link to get some perspective on where Planer Earth in in the Cosmos.

The following excerpts are clips from James Dale Davidson's October 2014 monthly Strategic Investment newsletter. (As far as I know dating back to 1880 James Dale Davidson is not related to me).


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